Heat is time, not distance
Blurred vision. Misty eyes. Lifted by the sky above. Borne by the ground below. Conflation of the heat and self.
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Heat is time, not distance
Blurred vision. Misty eyes. Lifted by the sky above. Borne by the ground below. Conflation of the heat and self.
Entschuldigung, hier gibt es keine Produkte.
ZurücksetzenThe sun leads the way – Destination unknown
The Heat leads the way. Destination unknown. Yet moving on ever so restless. As blood turns to water, the day never turns to night. Blinded by the gleaming light. Feeling the heartbeat pounding in the head. As blood turns to water and then disappears. Awoken in a blur. Embraced by ardor. You will find. Yes, you will find. Beyond the Heat.
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