RUNHUNDRED - Heart Versus Heat at Western States 100 (Book)
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Our founder Chris Z's debut book about his life-changing experience at the Western States Endurance Run. Willpower is an exclusive distribution partner for this book. Also check out our bundles.
- Signed by the author
- Format: Paperback
Size: 262 Pages
- Language: English
- Color: Yes
- Free Bookmark & Sticker
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What's left when there's nothing left?
Amid scorching heat and the Sierra Nevada wilderness, Chris Zehetleitner faces a profound question during his first 100-mile ultramarathon, the Western States En- durance Run: "What's left when there's nothing left?"
Venturing into this grueling race, Chris discovers it can't be conquered through meticulous planning or a diligent physical preparation alone. While enduring the impossible, he realizes that he has to silence his mind and run with his heart. This revelation isn’t just a turning point in the race; it transformed his entire life.
In his debut book, Runhundred, Chris Zehetleitner fearlessly opens up his soul and outspokenly shares his innermost thoughts and emotions from this life-changing experience. With unprecedented candor and authenticity, Runhundred stands apart from typical self-congratulatory runner tales or generic guidebooks. It's a genuine, grounded account of what ultrarunning truly means. Not just as a sport, but as a deep enrichment to life itself.
This book also pays tribute to the oldest and most iconic 100-mile ultramarathon in the world and describes this exceptional race in great detail. The Western States Endurance Run has written countless gripping stories over the decades. This one is called Runhundred.
"Western States is not just any race, it is THE race. Chris beautifully captures his highly emotional adventure in his own unique way. Authentically written, his book leaves you craving for more. Chris demonstrates how running can positively transform your life." – Luzia Buehler, 4th Woman at WSER 2022
"A really likeable and stirring story of an obsession with a sport and a race." – Damian Hall, Author of "We Can’t Run Away From This" and Ultrarunner
"The book has no net and no false bottom. It is the unsparing, chronological account of a strong runner who is shattered by the grind in California. And what happens to him next. After reading the book, I vacillate between, 'This is great, here we go' and 'Completely insane, never ever.' – Ole Reißmann, Der Spiegel
"You might read this book and simply like it. However, you might as well shed some tears while reading this. Just like I did." – Henning Lenertz, Runner’s World Editor
"This is one of the few books on ultrarunning that I would truly consider a must read. It's thought provoking, well written, and most of all, inspiring. If you're not already an ultrarunner, Runhundred will probably make you one." – Christian Bruneß, founder Alles-Laufbar.de
"Rousing account of the vegan ultrarunner's experiences at the legendary Western States 100, the oldest and most famous 100-mile ultramarathon in the world. Full of highs and lows - honest, self-reflective and profound. Well worth reading!" – Vegan Für Mich 02/2024
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80637 München
RUNHUNDRED - Heart Versus Heat at Western States 100 (Book)

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